
(A) 同儕審查論文 Peer-reviewed papers (*corresponding author)
Wu CC#, Lu YT#, Yeh TS#, Chan YH, Dash S, Yu JS*(2021) Fucosylated SERPINA1 is a novel serum marker for pancreatic cancer revealed by lectin affinity capture coupled with iTRAQ-based quantitative glycoproteomics approach.Int J Mol Sci 2021 Jun 4; 22(11), 6079. doi: 10.3390/ijms22116079. [PubMed]
● Liu JC, Chen YT, Hsieh YJ, Wu CC, Huang MC, Hsu YC, Wu CT, Chen CK, Dash S, Yu JS* (2021) Association of urinary ketamine and APOA1 levels with bladder dysfunction in ketamine abusers revealed via proteomics and targeted metabolite analyses. Scientific Reports 2021 May 5;11(1):9583. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89089-4. [PubMed]
Chiang SF+, Huang HH+, Tsai WS+, Tan BCM, Yang CY, Huang PJ, Chang IYF, Lin J, Lu PS, Chin E, Liu YH, Yu JS , Chiang JM, Hung HY, You JF, Liu H*. (2021) Comprehensive functional genomic analyses link APC somatic mutation and mRNA-miRNA networks to the clinical outcome of stage-III colorectal cancer patients. Biomedical Journal Available online 16 March 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.bj.2021.03.001
Wu CP*, Hung CY, Lusvarghi S, Chang YF, Hsiao SH, Huang YH, Hung TH, Yu JS, Ambudkar SV(2021) Overexpression of human ABCB1 and ABCG2 reduces the susceptibility of cancer cells to the histone deacetylase 6-specific inhibitor citarinostat. Int J Mol Sci 2021 Mar 5;22(5), 2592. doi: 10.3390/ijms22052592. [PubMed]
Liu CC#, Yang YH#, Hsiao YC, Wang PJ, Liu JC, Liu CH, Hsieh WC, Lin CC, * (2021) Rapid and efficient enrichment of snake venoms from human plasma by a strong cation exchange tip column to improve snakebite diagnosis. Toxins 2021 Feb 13; 13(2), 140. doi: 10.3390/toxins13020140. [PubMed]
●● Chang YT, Chu LJ, Liu YC, Chen CJ, Wu SF, Chen CH, Chang IYF, Wang JS, Wu TY, Dash S, Chiang WF, Chiu SF, Gou SB, Chien CY, Chang KP, Yu JS*. (2020) Verification of saliva matrix metalloproteinase-1 as a strong diagnostic marker of oral cavity cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 13; 12(8):E2273. doi: 10.3390/cancers12082273. [PubMed]
Chen YT#, Chang IYF#, Kan CH, Liu YH, Kuo YP, Tseng HH, Chen HC, Liu H, Chang YS, Yu JS , Chang KP, Tan BCM*. circRNAome profiling unveils a novel oncogenic circFLNB circuit in oral cancer. (2020) Cells.2020 Aug 10; 9(8):E1868. doi: 10.3390/cells9081868[PubMed]
● Lin YH*, Wu CC, Su WT, Tseng PC, Hsueh YY, Hsiao YC, Chang KP, Yu JS*, Chuang YR. (2020) Target peptide enrichment microfluidic chip for rapid detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma using stable isotope standards and capture by anti-peptide antibodies. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2020 Nov 1, 322:128607
Wu CP*, Hung CY, Lusvarghi S, Huang YH, Tseng PJ, Hung TH, Yu JS, Ambudkar SV. (2020) Overexpression of ABCB1 and ABCG2 contributes to reduced efficacy of the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor samotolisib (LY3023414) in cancer cell lines. Biochemical Pharmacology 2020 Jul 4:114137. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114137. [PubMed]
Hsueh PC, Wu KA, Yang CY, Hsu CW, Wang CL, Hung CM, Chen YT, Yu JS, Wu CC* (2020) Metabolomic profiling of parapneumonic effusion reveals a regulatory role of dipeptides in interleukin-8 production in neutrophil-like cells. Analytica Chimica Acta 2020 Sep 1;1128:238-250. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2020.06.022.[PubMed]
Chakraborty A, Lin WC, Lin YT, Huang KJ, Wang PY, Chang YF, Wang HI, Ma KT, Wang CY, Huang XR, Lee YH, Chen BC, Hsieh YJ, Chien KY, Lin TY, Liu JL, Sung LY, Yu JS, Chang YS, Pai LM*. (2020) SNAP29 mediates the assembly of histidine-induced CTP synthase filaments in proximity to the cytokeratin network. J Cell Sci 2020 May 11;133(9):jcs240200. doi: 10.1242/jcs.240200. [PubMed]
Hsiao TF#, Wang CL#, Wu YC, Feng HP, Chiu YC, Lin HY, Liu KJ, Chang GC, Chien KY, Yu JS, Yu CJ*. (2020) Integrative omics analysis reveals soluble cadherin-3 as a survival predictor and an early monitoring marker of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Jul 1;26(13):3220-3229. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-3972. [PubMed]
Liu CC#, Chou YS#, Chen CY, Liu KL, Huang GJ, Yu JS, Wu CJ, Liaw GW, Hsieh CH*, Chen CK*. (2020) Pathogenesis of local necrosis induced by Naja atra venom: Assessment of the neutralization ability of Taiwanese freeze-dried neurotoxic antivenom in animal models. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2020 Feb 7;14(2):e0008054. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008054. [PubMed]
●● Hsiao YC, Lin SY, Chien KY, Chen SF, Wu CC, Chang YT, Chi LM, Chu LJ, Chiang WF, Chien CY, Chang KP, Chang YS, Yu JS* (2020) An immuno-MALDI mass spectrometry assay for the oral cancer biomarker, matrix metalloproteinase-1, in dried saliva spot samples. Anal Chim Acta 1100:118-130. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2019.12.006. [PubMed]
● Chi LM#, Hsiao YC#, Chien KY#, Chen SF, Chuang YN, Lin SY, Wang WS, Chang IYF, Yang C, Chu LJ, Chiang WF, Chien CY, Chang YS, Chang KP*, Yu JS*. (2020) Assessment of candidate biomarkers in paired saliva and plasma samples from oral cancer patients by targeted mass spectrometry. J Proteomics. 2020 Jan 16;211:103571. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2019.103571. [PubMed]
Lin WR*, Chiang JM, Lim SN, Su MY, Chen TH, Huang SW, Chen CW, Wu RC, Tsai CL, Lin YH, Alison MR, Hsieh SY, Yu JS, Chiu CT, Yeh CT. (2019) Dynamic bioenergetic alterations in colorectal adenomatous polyps and adenocarcinomas.EBioMedicine. 2019 Jun;44:334-345. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.05.031. [PubMed]
Yu J-S. (2019) From discovery of tyrosine phosphorylation to targeted cancer therapies: The 2018 Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science. Biomedical Journal 2019 Apr; 42(2), 80-83 doi: 10.1016/j.bj.2019.03.004. (Invited article) [PubMed]
Chen Y-T*, Tsai C-H, Chen C-L, Yu J-S,Chang Y-H*. (2019) Development of biomarkers of genitourinary cancer using mass spectrometry-based clinical proteomics. J. Food Drug Anal. 2019 Apr; 27(2):387-403. doi: 10.1016/j.jfda.2018.09.005. [PubMed]
Chen Y-T*, Huang H-C, Hsieh Y-J, Fu S-H, Li L, Chen C-L, Chu L-J, Yu J-S. (2019) Targeting amine- and phenol-containing metabolites in urine by dansylation isotope labeling and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for evaluation of bladder cancer biomarkers. J. Food Drug Anal. 2019 Apr; 27(2): 460-474. doi: 10.1016/ j.jfda.2018.11.008. [PubMed]
Chou PH, Liao WC; Tsai KW, Chen KC Yu JS, Chen TW*. (2019) TACCO, a database connecting transcriptome alterations, pathway alterations and clinical outcomes in cancers. Scientific Reports 2019 Mar 7;9(1):3877. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40629-z. [PubMed]
Wang P#, Geng J#, Gao J, Zhao H, Li J, Shi Y, Yang B, Xiao C, Linghu Y, Sun X, Chen X, Hong L, Qin F, Li X, Yu J-S, You H, Yuan Z, Zhou D, Johnson RL, Chen L* (2019) Macrophage achieves self-protection against oxidative stress-induced ageing through Mst-Nrf2 axis. Nature Communications 2019 Feb 14;10(1):755. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08680-6. [PubMed]
Hsu C-W#, Chen Y-T#, Hsieh Y-J, Chang K-P, Hsueh P-C, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, Li L*, Wu C-C* (2019) Integrated analyses utilizing metabolomics and transcriptomics reveal perturbation of the polyamine pathway in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Anal Chim Acta 2019 Mar 7;1050:113-122. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.10.070. [PubMed]
Lin Y-H*, Chang H-Y, Wu C-C, Wu C-W, Chang K-P, Yu J-S*. (2019). BRAF protein immunoprecipitation, elution, and digestion from cell extract using a microfluidic mixer for mutant BRAF protein quantification by mass spectrometry. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2019 Feb;411(5):1085-1094. doi: 10.1007/s00216-018-1536-2. [PubMed]
Lee C-C#, Hsieh Y-J#, Chen S-W, Fu S-H, Hsu C-W, Wu C-C, Han W, Li Y, Tao H, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S, Li L*, Chang C-H*, Chen Y-T*. (2018) Bretschneider solution-induced alterations in the urine metabolome in cardiac surgery patients. Scientific Reports 2018 Dec 11;8(1):17774. [PubMed]
●● Liu C-C#, Yu J-S#, Wang P-J, Hsiao Y-C, Liu C-H, Chen Y-C, Lai P-F, Hsu C-P, Fann W-C, Lin C-C*. (2018) Development of sandwich ELISA and lateral flow strip assays for diagnosing clinically significant snakebite in Taiwan. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2018 Dec 3;12(12):e0007014. [PubMed] #Contributed equally
Lin W-C, Chakraborty A, Huang S-C, Wang P-Y, Hsieh Y-J, Chien K-Y, Lee Y-H, Chang C-C, Tang H-Y, Lin Y-T, Tung C-S, Luo J-D, Chen T-W, Lin T-Y, Cheng M-L, Chen Y-T, Yeh C-T; Liu J-L, Sung L-Y, Shiao M-S, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, Pai L-M*. (2018) Histidine-dependent protein methylation is required for compartmentalization of CTP synthase. Cell Reports 2018 Sep 4;24(10):2733-2745.e7.[PubMed]
Wu CP*, Hsieh YJ, Murakami M, Vahedi S, Hsiao SH, Yeh N, Chou AW, Li YQ, Wu YS, Yu J-S, Ambudkar SV. (2018) Human ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2 confer resistance to histone deacetylase 6 inhibitor ricolinostat (ACY-1215) in cancer cell lines. Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 Jul 17. 155:316-325. [PubMed]
Liu C-C#, Lin C-C#, Hsiao Y-C, Wang P-J, Yu J-S*. (2018) Proteomic characterization of six Taiwanese snake venoms: Identification of species-specific proteins and development of a SISCAPA-MRM assay for cobra venom factors. J. Proteomics 2018 Sep 15, 187:59-68. [PubMed]
Huang Y-H, Lin K-H, Yu J-S, Wu T-J, Lee W-C, Chao C-K, Pan T-L, Yeh C-T*. (2018) Targeting HSP60 by subcutaneous injections of jetPEI/HSP60-shRNA destabilizes cytoplasmic survivin and inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma growth. Mol. Carcinog. 2018 Apr 19. 57:1087–1101. [PubMed]
Chen C-T, Liu C-C, Yu J-S, Li H-H, Lai M-C*. (2018) Integrated omics profiling identifies hypoxia-regulated genes in HCT116 colon cancer cells J. Proteomics 188:139-151. [PubMed]
● Chu LJ#, Hsiao YC#, Chiang WF#, Tsai CJ, Lin SY, Chang KP, Chien CY, Yu JS*. (2018) Use of saliva protein biomarkers for diagnosis of oral cavity cancer. International Journal of Head and Neck Science June 2018; 2(2): 56-68. (Invited review article) [Link]
Tsai C-H,#, Chen Y-T*,#, Chang Y-H#, Hsueh C, Liu C-Y, Chang Y-S, Chen C-L*, Yu J-S* (2018) Systematic verification of bladder cancer-associated tissue protein biomarker candidates in urine specimens. Oncotraget 2018 Jul 20;9(56):30731-30747. [PubMed]
Lai YH, Liu H, Chiang WF, Chen TW, Chu LJ, Yu JS, Chen SJ, Chen HC, and Tan BC*. (2018) MiR-31-5p-ACOX1 axis enhances tumorigenic fitness in oral squamous cell carcinoma via the promigratory prostaglandin E2. Theranostics 2018 Jan 1;8(2):486-504. [PubMed]
●● Hsiao YC#, Chu LJ#, Chen YT, Chi LM, Chien KY, Chiang WF, Chang YT, Chen SF, Wang WS, Chuang YN, Lin SY, Chien CY, Chang KP, Chang YS, and Yu JS*. (2018) Variability assessment of 90 salivary proteins in intra-day and inter-day samples from healthy donors by multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry. (2018) Proteomics-Clin Appl. 2018 Mar;12(2). doi: 10.1002/prca.201700039. [PubMed]
Wu CC#, Lin JD#, Chen JT, Chang CM, Weng HF, Hsueh C, Chien HP and Yu JS*. (2018) Integrated analysis of fine-needle-aspiration cystic fluid proteome, cancer cell secretome, and public transcriptome datasets for papillary thyroid cancer biomarker discovery. Oncotarget 9:12079-12100. [PubMed]
Liu CC, You CH, Yu JS*, Huang GJ, Liu CH, Wang PJ, and Lin CC*. (2017) Analysis of the efficacy of Taiwanese freeze neurotoxic antivenom against Southeast Asian cobra venoms through proteomics and animal model approaches. PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease. 2017 Dec 15;11(12): e0006138. [PubMed]
●● Hsiao Y-C, Chi L-M, Chien K-Y, Chiang W-F, Chen S-F, Chuang Y-N, Lin S-Y, Wu C-C, Chu LJ, Chen Y-T, Chia S-L, Chien C-Y, Chang K-P, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S*. (2017) Development of a multiplexed assay for oral cancer candidate biomarkers using peptide immunoaffinity enrichment and targeted mass spectrometry. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2017 Oct;16(10):1829-1849. [PubMed]
●● Chen TW#, Lee CC#, Liu H#, Wu CS#, Pickering CR#, Huang PJ, Wang J, Chang IY, Yeh YM, Chen CD, Li HP, Luo JD, Tan BC, Chan TEH, Hsueh C, Chu LJ, Chen YT, Zhang B, Yang CY, Wu CC, Hsu CW, See LC, Tang P, Yu JS, Liao WC, Chiang WF, Rodriguez H, Myers JN, Chang KP*, Chang YS*. (2017) APOBEC3A is an oral cancer prognostic biomarker in carriers of an APOBEC deletion polymorphism. Nature Communications. 2017 Sep 6;8(1):465. [PubMed]
● Hsiao YC#, Chu LJ#, Chen JT, Yeh TS and Yu JS*. (2017) Proteomic profiling of the cancer cell secretome: informing clinical research. Expert Review of Proteomics (Invited review article) 2017 Sep;14(9):737-756. [PubMed]
●● Peng Y#, Zhang M#, Zheng L#, Liang Q#, Li H#, Chen J-T, Guo H, Yoshina S, Chen Y-Z, Zhao X, Wu X, Liu B, Mitani S, Yu J-S, Ding Xue*. (2017) Cysteine protease cathepsin B mediates radiation-induced bystander effects. Nature 547(7664), 458–462 (27 July 2017) [PubMed]
Cheng JC*, Tseng CP, Liao MH, Peng CY, Yu JS, Chuang PH, Huang JT, Chen JJW. (2017) Activation of hepatic stellate cells by the ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 1 protein secreted from hepatitis C virus-infected hepatocytes. Scientific Reports. 2017 June 30;7:4448. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04259-7 [PubMed]
● Hsieh Y-J#, Chien K-Y#, Yang I-F, Lee I-N, Wu C-C, Huang T-Y, and Yu J-S* (2017) Oxidation of protein-bound methionine in Photofrin-photodynamic therapy-treated human tumor cells explored by methionine-containing peptide enrichment and quantitative proteomics approach. Scientific Reports 2017 May 2;7(1):1370. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01409-9. [PubMed]
Shao CH, Chen CL, Lin JY, Chen CJ, Fu SH, Chen YT, Chang YS, Yu JS, Tsui KH, Juo CG*, Wu KP*. (2017) Metabolite marker discovery for the detection of bladder cancer by comparative metabolomics. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 21. 2017; 8:38802-38810 doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.16393.[PubMed]
Chen Y-T*, Chen H-W, Wu C-F, Chu L-J, Chiang W-F, Wu C-C, Yu J-S, Tsai C-H, Liang K-H, Chang Y-S, Wu M, Ou Yang W-T. (2017) Development of a multiplexed LC-MRM/MS method for evaluation of salivary proteins as oral cancer biomarkers. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2017 May;16(5):799-811. [PubMed]
● Lin YT, Chien KY, Wu CC, Chang WY, Chu LJ, Yeh CT*, Yu JS*. (2017) Super-SILAC mix coupled with SIM/AIMS assays for targeted verification of phosphopeptides discovered in a large-scale phosphoproteome analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Proteomics. 2017 Mar 22;157:40-51. [PubMed]
Chung I-C, OuYang C-N, Yuan S-N, Li H-P, Chen J-T, Shieh H-R, Chen Y-J, Ojcius DM, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, Chen L-C*. (2016) Pyk2 activates the NLRP3 inflammasome by directly phosphorylating ASC and contributes to inflammasome-dependent peritonitis. Scientific Reports 2016 Oct 31; 6:36214. [PubMed]
●● Yu JS#, Chen YT#, Chiang WF#, Hsiao YC#, Chu LJ#, See LC, Wu CS, Tu HT, Chen HW, Chen CC, Liao WC, Chang YT, Wu CC, Lin CY, Liu SY, Chiou ST, Cha SL, Chang KP, Chien CY, Chang SW, Chang CJ, Young JD, Pao CC, Chang YS*, Hartwell LH* (2016) Saliva Protein Biomarkers to Detect Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a High-Risk Population in Taiwan. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016 Oct 11;113(41):11549-11554. (#Co-first authors) [PubMed]
Hsu CH, Hsu CW, Hsueh C, Wang CL, Wu YC, Wu CC, Liu CC, Yu JS, Chang YS, Yu CJ.* (2016) Identification and characterization of potential biomarkers by quantitative tissue proteomics of primary lung adenocarcinoma. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2016 Jul;15(7):2396-410. [PubMed]
● Chen H#, Hsiao Y-C#, Chiang S-F, Wu C-C, Lin Y-T, Liu H, Zhao H, Chen J-S, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S*. (2016) Quantitative analysis of wild-type and V600E mutant BRAF proteins in colorectal carcinoma using immunoenrichment and targeted mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2016 Aug 24; 933:144-55. [PubMed]
C-I, Chan Y-Y, Wang C-L, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, and Yu C-J*. (2016) mTOR regulates proteasomal degradation and Dp1/E2F1-mediated transcription of KPNA2 in lung cancer cells. Oncotarget 2016 May 3;7(18):25432-42. [PubMed]
Wu C-P*, Hsieh Y-J, Hsiao S-H, Su C-Y, Li Y-Q, Huang Y-H, Huang C-W, Hsieh C-H, Yu J-S and Wu Y-S*. (2016) Human ATP-Binding Cassette transporter ABCG2 confers resistance to CUDC-907, a dual inhibitor of histone deacetylase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Mol. Pharm. 2016 Mar 7;13(3):784-94. [PubMed]
Chiang S-F, Kan C-Y, Hsiao Y-C, Tang R, Hsieh L-L, Chiang J-M, Tsai W-S, Yeh C-Y, Hsieh P-S, Liang Y, Chen J-S, Yu J-S* (2015) Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 is a novel plasma biomarker and prognosticator for colorectal carcinoma — A secretome-based verification study. Disease Markers 2015; 2015:874054. [PubMed]
Chen C-L, Chung T, Wu C-C, Ng K-F, Yu J-S, Tsai C-H, Chang Y-S, Liang Y, Chen Y-T* (2015) Comparative tissue proteomics of microdissected specimens reveals novel candidate biomarkers of bladder cancer. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Sep;14(9):2466-78. [PubMed]
Lee C-W, Chang K-P, Chen Y-Y, Liang Y, Hsueh C, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, and Yu C-J*. (2015) Overexpressed tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase, an angiostatic protein, enhances oral cancer cell invasiveness. Oncotarget. 2015 Sep 8;6(26):21979-92. [PubMed]
Chang K-P, Lin S-J, Liu S-C, Yi J-S, Chien K-Y, Chi L-M, Kao H-K, Liang Y, Lin Y-T, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S* (2015) Low-molecular-mass secretome profiling identifies HMGA2 and MIF as prognostic biomarkers for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports 2015 Jul 3; 5:11689. [PubMed]
Kuo R-L*, Lin Y-H, Robert Wang R.Y-L, Hsu C-W, Chiu Y-T, Huang H-I, Kao L-T, Yu J-S, Shih S-R, and Wu C-C* (2015) Proteomics analysis for EV71-infected cells reveals the involvement of host protein NEDD4L in EV71 replication. J. Proteome Res. 2015 Apr 3;14(4):1818-30. [PubMed]
Wang C-I, Wang C-L, Wu Y-C, Feng H-P, Liu P-J, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S, and Yu C-J* (2015) Quantitative proteomics reveals a novel role of karyopherin alpha 2 (KPNA2) in cell migration through the regulation of vimentin-pErk protein complex levels in lung cancer. J. Proteome Res. 2015 Apr 3;14(4):1739-51. [PubMed]
Wu H, Wei L, Fan F, Ji S, Zhang S, Geng J, Hong L, Fan X, Chen Q, Tian J, Jiang M, Sun X, Jin C, Yin YZ, Liu Q, Zhang J, Qin F, Lin KH, Yu JS, Deng X, Wang HR, Zhao B, Johnson RL, Chen L*, Zhou D* (2015) Integration of Hippo signaling and the unfolded protein response to restrain liver overgrowth and tumorigenesis. Nat. Commun. 2015 Feb 19; 6:6239. [PubMed]
Liu PJ, Chen CD, Wang CL, Wu YC, Hsu CW, Lee CW, Huang LH, Yu JS, Chang YS, Wu CC*, Yu CJ.* (2015) In-depth proteomic analysis of six types of exudative pleural effusions for non-small cell lung cancer biomarker discovery. Mol. Cell Proteomics. 2015 Apr;14(4):917-32. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M114.045914. [PubMed]
Chao M*, Wang HN, Lu YJ, Chang YS, Yu JS (2015) A V-val subtype Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 promotes cell survival after serum withdrawal. Oncol. Rep. 33(2):958-66. [PubMed]
Gopinath RK†, You ST†, Chien KY†, Swamy KB, Yu JS, Schuyler SC*, Leu JY* (2014) The Hsp90-dependent proteome is conserved and enriched for hub proteins with high levels of protein-protein connectivity. Genome Biol. Evol. 6(10):2851–2865. [PudMed]
Chiang S-F, Tsai M-H, Tang R, Hsieh L-L, Chiang J-M, Yeh C-Y, Hsieh P-S, Tsai W-S, Liu Y-P, Liang Y, Chen J-S* and Yu J-S* (2014) Membrane proteins as potential colon cancer biomarkers: verification of 4 candidates from a secretome dataset. Surgical Science 5(10), 418-438. [Link out]
● Hsu R-M, Hiesh Y-J, Yang T-H, Chiang Y-C, Kan C-Y, Lin Y-T, Chen J-T, and Yu J-S*. (2014) Binding of the extreme carboxyl-terminus of PAK-interacting exchange factor β (βPIX) to myosin 18A (MYO18A) is required for epithelial cell migration. BBA-Mol Cell Res. 1843 (11), 2513-2527. [PubMed]
Juo C-G*, Chen C-L, Fu S-H, Lin S-T, Chen Y-T, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S. (2014) Mass accuracy improvement of reversed-phase liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry based urinary metabolomic analysis by post-run calibration using sodium formate cluster ions. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 28(16), 1813–1820. [PubMed]
Wu C-C*#, Chang Y-T#, Chang K-P, Liu Y-L, Liu H-P, Lee I-L, Yu J-S, and Chiang W-F*. (2014) Salivary auto-antibodies as noninvasive diagnostic markers of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014 Aug;23(8):1569-78. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-13-1269. [PubMed]
Fang K-H, Kao H-K, Chi L-M, Liang Y, Liu S-C, Hseuh C, Liao C-T, Yen T-C, Yu J-S, Chang K-P*. (2014) Overexpression of BST2 is associated with nodal metastasis and poorer prognosis in oral cavity cancer. Laryngoscope 2014 Sep;124(9):E354-60. [PubMed]
●● Chen C-D, Wang C-L, Yu C-J, Chien K-Y, Chen Y-T, Chen M-C, Chang Y-S, Wu C-C*, and Yu J-S* (2014) Targeted proteomic pipeline reveals diagnostic biomarkers for malignant pleural effusion of lung cancer. J. Proteome Res. 2014 Jun 6; 13(6):2818-29. [PubMed]
Hsu C-W, Yu J-S, Peng P-H, Liu S-C, Chang Y-S, Chang K-P*, and Wu C-C* (2014) Secretomic profiling of primary cells reveals THBS2 as a salivary biomarker of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. J. Proteome Res. 2014 Nov 7;13(11):4796-807. [PubMed]
Wang H-J, Hsieh Y-J, Cheng W-C, Lin C-P, Lin Y, Yang S-F, Chen C-C, Izumiya Y, Yu J-S, Kung H-J*, Wang W-C*. (2014) JMJD5 regulates PKM2 nuclear translocation and reprograms HIF-1α-mediated glucose metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014 Jan 7; 111(1):279-84. [PubMed]
Tseng S-P, Teng S-H, Lee P-S, Wang C-F, Yu J-S, Lu P-L*. (2013) Rapid identification of M. abscessus and M. massiliense by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with a comparison to sequencing methods and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Future Microbiol. 2013 Nov; 8:1381-9. [PubMed]
Lin S-J, Chang K-P, Hsu C-W, Chi L-M, Chien K-Y, Liang Y, Tsai M-H, Lin Y-T, Yu J-S*. (2013) Low-molecular-mass secretome profiling identifies C-C motif chemokine 5 as a potential plasma biomarker and therapeutic target for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J. Proteomics 2013 Dec 6; 94, 186-201. [PubMed]
Chen J-T, Ho C-W, Chi L-M, Chien K-Y, Hsieh Y-J, Lin S-J, Yu J-S*. (2013) Identification of the P-STM antibody-recognizable phosphoepitope on lamins A/C in mitotic HeLa S3 cells. BMC Biochem. 14(1):18. [PubMed]
Wang RY*, Kuo R-L, Ma W-C, Huang H-I, Yu J-S, Yen S-M, and Huang C-R, Shih S-R (2013) Heat shock protein-90-beta facilitates enterovirus 71 viral particles assembly. Virology 443(2):236-47. [PubMed]
Chen C-L, Lin T-S, Tsai C-H, Wu C-C, Chung T, Chien K-Y, Wu M, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S*, and Chen Y-T* (2013) Identification of potential bladder cancer markers in urine by abundant-protein depletion coupled with quantitative proteomics. J. Proteomics 85:28-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2013.04.024. [PubMed]
Lin Y-H*, Chen Y-J, Lai C-S*, Chen Y-T, Chen C-L, Yu J-S, and Chang Y-S (2013) A negative-pressure-driven microfluidic chip for the rapid detection of a bladder cancer biomarker in urine using bead-based ELISA. Biomicrofluidics 7 (2), 024103 [PubMed]
Dong Y-M, Chien K-Y, Cheng J-T, Wang TCV, Lin S-J, Yu J-S* (2013) Site-specific separation and detection of phosphopeptide isomers with pH-mediated stacking capillary zone electrophoresis-coupled electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci. 36(9-10):1582-9. [PubMed]
Hsuuw Y-D, Chan W-H*, Yu J-S (2013) Ochratoxin A inhibits mouse embryonic development by activating a mitochondrion-dependent apoptotic signaling pathway. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013 Jan 7;14(1):935-53. [PudMed]
Chen L-C, Liu M-Y, Hsiao Y-C, Choong W-K, Wu H-Y, Hsu W-L, Liao P-C*, Sung T-Y*, Tsai S-F*, Yu J-S*, Chen Y-J* (2013) Decoding the disease-associated proteins encoded in the human Chromosome 4. J Proteome Res. 12(1):33-44. [PubMed]
Chen C-L, Lai Y-F, Tang P, Chien K-Y, Yu J-S, Tsai C-H, Chen H-W, Wu C-C, Chung T, Hsu C-W, Chen C-D, Chang Y-S, Chang P-L, and Chen Y-T*. (2012) Comparative and targeted proteomic analyses of urinary microparticles from bladder cancer and hernia patients. J. Proteome Res. 11(12):5611-29. [PubMed]
● Chang Y-F#, Yu J-S#, Chang Y-T, Su L-C, Li Y-C, Wu C-C, Chang Y-S, Lai C-S, Chou C* (2013). The utility of a high-throughput scanning biosensor in the detection of the pancreatic cancer marker ULBP2. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2013 Mar 15; 41, 232-237. [PubMed] #Equal contributions
Hsueh C*, Lin J-D, Chang Y-S, Hsueh S, Chao T-C, Yu J-S, Jung S-M, Tseng N-M, Sun J-H, Kuo S-Y. (2013) Prognostic significance of expression of pituitary tumor-transforming gene-binding factor (PBF) in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf) 2013 Feb;78(2):303-9. [PubMed]
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● Hsieh Y-J, Chien K-Y, Lin S-Y, Sabu S, Hsu R-M, Chi L-M, Lyu P-C, and Yu J-S*. (2012) Photofrin binds to procaspase-3 and mediates photodynamic treatment–triggered methionine oxidation and inactivation of procaspase-3. Cell Death Dis. 3: e347; doi:10.1038/cddis.2012.85. July 12 2012 [PubMed]
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●● Chen Y-T, Chen H-W, Smith DS, Liang K-H, Wu C-C, Chen C-L, Chung T, Chen M-C, Chang Y-S, Borchers CH*, Yu J-S* (2012) Multiplexed quantification of 63 proteins by multiple reaction monitoring-based mass spectrometry in human urine for discovery of potential bladder cancer biomarkers. J. Proteomics 75(12):3529-45. [PubMed]
● Tsai M-H, Wu C-C, Peng P-H , Liang Y, Shiao Y-C, Chien K-Y, Chen J-T, Lin S-J, Tang R-P, Hsieh L-L*, Yu J-S* (2012) Identification of secretory gelsolin as a plasma biomarker associated with distant organ metastasis of colorectal cancer. J. Mol. Med. (Berl) 90(2), 187-200. [PubMed]
Chang K-P, Yu J-S, Chien K-Y, Lee C-W, Liang Y, Liao C-T, Yen T-C, Lee L-Y, Huang L-L, Liu S-C, Chang Y-S, Chi L-M*. (2011) Identification of PRDX4 and P4HA2 as metastasis-associated proteins in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma by comparative tissue proteomics of microdissected specimens using iTRAQ technology. J. Proteome Res. 2011 Nov 4;10(11):4935-47. [PubMed]
Yu C-J*, Wang C-L, Wang C-I, Chen C-D, Dan Y-M, Wu C-C, Wu Y-C, Lee I-N, Tsai Y-H, Chang J-S and Yu J-S. (2011) Comprehensive proteome analysis of malignant pleural effusion for lung cancer biomarker discovery by using multidimensional protein identification technology. J. Proteome Res. 10(10):4671-82. [PubMed]
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Yu C-J, Chang K-P, Chang Y-J, Hsu C-W, Liang Y, Yu J-S, Chi L-M, Chang Y-S, and Wu C-C*. (2011) Identification of guanylate-binding protein 1 as a potential oral cancer marker involved in cell invasion using omics-based analysis. J. Proteome Res. 10(8):3778-88. [PubMed]
● Chang Y-T, Wu C-C*, Shyr Y-M, Chen T-C, Hwang T-L, Yeh T-S, Chang K-P, Liu H-P, Liu-Y-L, Tsai, M-H, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S*. (2011) Secretome-based identification of ULBP2 as a novel serum marker for pancreatic cancer detection. PLoS ONE 6(5), e20029. [PubMed]
Peng P-H, Wu C-C*, Liu S-C, Chang K-P, Chen C-D, Chang Y-T, Hsu C-W, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S* (2011) Quantitative plasma proteome analysis reveals aberrant level of blood coagulation-related proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J. Proteomics 2011 May 1;74(5):744-57. [PubMed]
Chang K-P, Chang Y-T , Liao C-T, Yen T-C, Chen I-H, Chang Y-L, Liu Y-L, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S* and Wu C-C*. (2011) Prognostic cytokine markers in peripheral blood for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma identified by multiplexed immunobead-based profiling. Clin. Chim. Acta. 2011 May 12;412(11-12):980-7. [PubMed]
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Han C-L, Chen J-S, Chan E-C, Wu C-P, Yu K-H, Chen K-T, Tsou C-C, Tsai C-F, Chien C-W, Kuo Y-B, Lin P-Y, Yu J-S, Hsueh C, Chen M-C, Chan C-C, Chang Y-S, Chen Y-J. An informatics-assisted label-free approach for personalized tissue membrane proteomics: Case study on colorectal cancer. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2011 Apr;10(4):M110.003087. [PubMed]
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Chang K-P, Kao H-K; Yen T-C, Chang Y-L, Liang Y, Liu S-C, Lee L-Y, Chang Y-L, Kang C-J, Chen I-H, Liao C-T*, Yu J-S*. (2011) Overexpression of macrophage inflammatory protein-3α in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma associated with tumor metastasis. Oral Oncol. 47, 108–113. [PubMed]
Kuo YB, Fan CW, Chan CC, Hung RP, Hung YS, Chen KT, Chang CA, Yu JS, Chang YS, Chan EC*. (2011) Identification of Phospholipid Scramblase 1 as a biomarker and it's prognostic value for Colorectal Cancer. Mol. Med. 17(1-2):41-47. [PubMed]
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●● Chen Y-T*, Chen C-L, Chen H-W, Chung T, Wu C-C, Chen C-D, Hsu C-W, Chen M-C, Tsui K-H, Chang P-L, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S*. (2010) Discovery of novel bladder cancer biomarkers by comparative urine proteomics using iTRAQ technology. J. Proteome Res. 9(11):5803-15. [PubMed]
Chen J-S, Chou Y-P, Chen K-T, Hung R-P, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S, Chan E-C*. (2011) Detection of annexin A autoantibodies in sera from colorectal cancer patients. J. Clin. Gastroenterol.45(2):125-32. [PudMed]
Wang C-I, Wang C-L, Wang C-W, Chen C-D, Wu C-C, Tsai Y-H, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S, and Yu C-J*. (2011) Importin subunit alpha-2 is identified as a potential biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer by integration of cancer cell secretome and tissue transcriptome. Int. J. Cancer 128(10):2364-72. [PudMed]
Liu H-P, Wu C-C, Kao H-Y, Huang Y-C, Liang Y, Chen C-C, Yu J-S, Chang Y-S*. (2010) Proteome-wide dysregulation by PRA1 depletion delineates a role of PRA1 in lipid transport and cell migration. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2011 Mar;10(3):M900641MCP200. [PubMed]
Hsieh Y-J, Yu J-S* and Lyu P-C*. (2010) Characterization of the photodynamic therapy-elicited responses of A431 cells with intracellular organelle-localized Photofrin. J. Cell. Biochem. 2010 Nov 1, 111(4):821-33. [PubMed]
Chang K-P, Chang Y-T, Wu C-C, Liu Y-L, Chen M-C,Tsang N-M, Hsu C-L, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S*. (2011) Multiplexed immunobead-based profiling of cytokine markers for detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and prognosis of patient survival. Head & Neck 2011 Jun;33(6):886-97. [PubMed]
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Kao H-K, Guo L-F, Cheng M-H, Chen I-H, Liao C-T, Fang K-H, Yu J-S, Chang K-P*. (2011) Predicting postoperative morbidity and mortality by model for end-stage live disease score for patients with head and neck cancer and liver cirrhosis. Head & Neck 33(4):529-34. [PubMed]
Chang K-P, Wu C-C, Chen H-C, Chen S-J, Peng P-H, Tsang N-M, Lee L-Y, Liu S-C, Liang Y, Lee, Y-S, Hao S-P, Chang Y-S and Yu J-S*. (2010) Identification of candidate nasopharyngeal carcinoma serum biomarkers by cancer cell secretome and tissue transcriptome analysis: Potential usage of cystatin A for predicting nodal stage and poor prognosis. Proteomics 10, 2644-2660. [PubMed]
Zhai H-L*, Chang Y-T, Wu C-C and Yu J-S*. (2010) An approach to the elimination of inter-individual variability in tumor detection. Analyst 135, 875 – 879. [PubMed]
Chen J-S*, Chen K-T, Fan W-C, Chang Y-S and Yu J-S, Chang Y-S and Chan E-C*. (2010) Combined analysis of survivin autoantibody and carcinoembryonic antigen biomarkers for improved detection of colorectal cancer. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 48(5):719-25. [PubMed]
Kao S-H, Hsu T-C, Yu J-S, Chen J-T, Li S-L, Lai W-X, Tzang B-S*. (2010) Proteomic analysis for the anti-apoptotic effects of cystamine on apoptosis-prone macrophage. J. Cell. Biochem. 110:660–670. [PubMed]
●● Wu C-C, Hsu C-W, Chen C-D, Yu C-J, Chang K-P, Dai D-I, Liu H-P, Su W-H, Chang Y-S, and Yu J-S*. (2010) Candidate serological biomarkers for cancer identified from the secretomes of 23 cancer cell lines and the human protein atlas. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 9, 1100-1117. [PubMed]
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Wang C-L, Wang C-I, Liao P-C, Liang Y, Chen C-D, Liang Y, Chuang W-Y, Tsai Y-H, Chen H-C, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S, Wu C-C*, and Yu C-J*. (2009) Discovery of retinoblastoma-associated binding protein 46 as a novel prognostic marker for distant metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer by combined analysis of cancer cell secretome and pleural effusion proteome. J. Proteome Res. 8(10):4428-4440. [PubMed]
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Chen L-C, Liu H-P, Li H-P, Hsueh C, Yu J-S, Liang C-L, Chang Y-S.* (2009) Thymidine phosphorylase mRNA stability and protein levels are increased through ERK-mediated cytoplasmic accumulation of hnRNP K in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Oncogene 28(17):1904-15. [PubMed]
●● Chi L-M, Lee C-W, Chang K-P, Hao S-P, Lee H-M, Liang Y, Hsueh C, Yu C-J, Lee I-N, Chang Y-J, Lee S-Y, Yeh Y-M, Chang Y-S, Chien K-Y* and Yu J-S*. (2009) Enhanced interferon signaling pathway in oral cancer revealed by quantitative proteome analysis of microdissected specimens using 16O/18O labeling and integrated 2DLC-ESI-MALDI tandem MS. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 8:1453-1474. [PubMed]
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Chang K-P, Hsu C-L, Chang Y-L, Tsang N-M, Chen C-K, Lee T-J, Tsao K-C, Huang C-G, Chang Y-S, Yu J-S, Hao S-P*. (2008) Complementary serum test of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus nuclear, Hao S-P*. (2008) Complementary serum test of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 and early antigen: A possible alternative for primary screening of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2008 Aug; 44(8), 784-792. [PubMed]
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(B) 專書章節 Book Chapters
1. Wen-Chuan Huang, Yann-Lii Leu, Jau-Song Yu*. (2011). Cancer and treatment with seeds of Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis R. Brown). In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, V. B. Patel (Editors), Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (1sted.) (pp 325-331). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.
2. Yi-Ting Chen, Carol E. Parker, Hsiao-Wei Chen, Chien-Lun Chen, Dominik Domanski, Derek S. Smith, Chih-Ching Wu, Ting Chung, Kung-Hao Liang, Min-Chi Chen, Yu-Sun Chang, Christoph H. Borchers, and Jau-Song Yu. (2013) Chapter 10 "A Pipeline that Integrates the Discovery and Verification Studies of Urinary Protein Biomarkers Reveals Candidate Markers for Bladder Cancer". In Comprehensive Biomarker Discovery and Validation for Clinical Application. Peter Horvatovich, Rainer Bischoff, David E. Thurston (Editors), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

(C)專利 Patents:
Yu JS, Chang KP. (2012) Method of detecting malignancy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and a nasopharyngeal carcinoma malignancy biomarker. United States Patent, US8,148,059B2, Apr. 3, 2012. Patent period 2012/4/3~2029/10/30
陳怡婷、余兆松、陳建綸、張玉生 (2013) 膀胱癌之生物標記及其檢測方法。中華民國專利發明第I390204號, 專利權期間: 2013/03/21-2030/2/10
余兆松、張雅婷、吳治慶、石宜銘、張玉生 (2013) 胰臟癌之血清生物檢測標誌及其應用。中華民國專利發明第I408370號, 專利權期間: 2013/9/11~2031/5/18
余兆松、蔡名鴻、謝玲玲 (2014) 大腸直腸癌遠端轉移之血漿生物標誌及其應用。中華民國專利發明第I444386號, 專利權期間: 2014/7/11~2032/4/9
Chao-Sung Lai, Jau-Song Yu, Yu-Sun Chang, Po-Lung Yang, Tseng-Fu Lu, Yi-Ting Lin, Wen-Yu Chuang, Ting-Chun Yu, I-Shun Wang, Jyh-Ping Chen, Chou Chien (2014) Surface treatment method by using the NH3 plasma treatment to modify the sensing thin-film. United States Patent, US8741679 B2, June 3, 2014. Patent period 2014/6/3~2032/5/8
Jau-Song Yu, Ya-Ting Chang, Chih-Ching Wu, Yi-Ming Shyr, Yu-Sun Chang (2014) A method for detecting pancreatic cancer using the serological marker ULBP2. European patent, EP2525227B1, Patent period: 2/16/2015~5/16/2032 (Poland), 11/19/2014~5/16/2032 (France), 12/11/2014~5/16/2032 (Germany), 1/20/2015~5/16/2032 (Italy), 11/19/2014~5/16/2032 (United Kingdom), 1/13/2015~5/16/2032 (Spain)
陳怡婷、余兆松、陳建綸、張玉生 (2016) 尿液生物標記作為預測膀胱及腎臟癌的用途。中華民國專利發明第I522367號, 專利權期間: 2016/2/21~2033/4/11
Jau-Song Yu, Wei-Fan Chiang, Yi-Ting Chen, Yu-Sun Chang, Lai-Chu See, Yung Chin Hsiao, Kai-Ping Chang. (2016) Apparatus and methods for detecting oral squamous cell carcinoma. US provisional application. No. 62309766 (application date: 2016/03/17)
Yu-Sun Chang, Jau-Song Yu, Yi-Ting Chen, Wei-Fan Chiang, Yung Chin Hsiao, Lai-Chu See, Kai-Ping Chang. (2017) Methods for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. International application (PCT) No. PCT/US17/22853 (application date: 2017/03/17)
余兆松、陳怡婷、蔣維凡、蕭永晉、張玉生、史麗珠、張凱評 (2019) 一種用以診斷及預斷癌症的方法。中華民國專利發明第I651536號, 專利權期間: 2019/2/21~2037/3/15
Err-Cheng Chan, Kuei-Tien Chen, Jau-Song Yu, Yu-Sun Chang Jinn-Shiun Chen. (2017) Serological markers for detecting colorectal cancer and their application for inhibiting colorectal cancer cells. United States Patent, US 9,835,636 B2, Dec. 5, 2017. Patent period: 2011/10/4-2031/10/3
Yu-Sun Chang, Jau-Song Yu,Yi-Ting Chen, Wei-Fan Chiang, Yung Chin Hsiao, Lai-Chu See, Kai-Ping Chang. (2020) Methods for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. European patent, EP3430406B1, Patent period: 2020/12/02~2037/3/17. (application date: 2017/03/17; application No.17767588.1)
張雅婷/余兆松/王俊勝/吳淑芳/陳致儒/劉晏君 (2021) 第一型基質金屬蛋白酶的單株抗體、其檢測套組及其檢測方法 (Matrix metalloproteinase-1 monoclonal antibody, detection kit and detection method thereof) 中華民國專利(申請案號:109106582, 申請日2020/02/27)(審定核准日2021/05/14)