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大學部 Udergradute
研究所課程 Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Lesson I 科學研究方法 (Scientific Methods)
Lesson II 分子醫學特論 (Proteomics approaches for disease biomarker discovery and verification)
Lesson III 進階癌症生物學 Adv Cancer Biol (Cytoplasmic signaling circuitry programs many of the traits of cancer)
Lesson IV 抗體的製備與純化 (Production and purification of antibody)
Lesson V 高等生化 (MS-based proteomic approaches for cancer biomarker discovery)
Lesson VI 高等生化 (MS-based proteomic approachsd for cell biology study)
Lesson VII 細胞生物學 (Cell Biology Chapter 15-Cell Communication)
Lesson VIII 系統生物學之先進技術 (Proteomics: Recent technological advances)
Lesson IX 訊息傳遞 Signal transduction (Signaling in PDT-induced cell death)
Lesson X 訊息傳遞 Signal transduction (Phosphoproteome analysis by MS)
Lesson XI 分子醫學碩士學位學程 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Protein structure and function)
Lesson XII 分子醫學碩士學位學程 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Proteomes)
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